The Cornerstone Baptist Church

82 Magnolia Lawn Road
Grove Hill, Alabama  36451


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The Cornerstone Baptist Church
The Cornerstone 
Baptist Church
82 Magnolia Lawn Road
Grove Hill, AL 36451


From Our Pastor/Elder


Welcome, to the website for The Cornerstone Baptist Church, Grove Hill, AL. We hope that for newcomers it will serve as an introduction to our fellowship and, of course, as a useful tool for our members. If you reside in this area or are here for a visit, we invite you to attend any of our services. Our church exists for the gospel of Jesus Christ for the good of souls and for the glory of God. So, let us know if we may be of assistance to you.

1 Peter 2:4-7 is the New Testament passage from which we derive the name for our church. In this passage  we find Christ referred to as “The Cornerstone” in fulfillment of Old Testament passages in Isaiah 28:16 and Psalm 118:22. Jesus Christ was rejected and crucified by men but chosen and precious in the sight of God (1 Peter2:4) and to those who believe in Him (1 Peter 2:7). Our aim is to make Jesus Christ preeminent in our worship, in our fellowship as His church, and in our daily lives. We are Baptist in our distinctive, Reformed in our orientation and heritage, and above all, Christ-centered in all things.

Please browse our website and find out about us, but more importantly, visit us and find out about our Saviour. Our prayer is that you will come to know Him whom to know is life eternal.

                                                          Yours in Christ,
                                                          David K. Curtis



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